What is an Agile Coach Camp?
- Agile Coach Camp is a series of independent, not-for-profit, practitioner-run events. (taken from https://agilecoachcamp.org/)
Where does ACCDE take place?
- Our venue is the amazing SeminarZentrum Rückersbach
And how do I get there?
- You can read the details here
- Also see google maps. In case you’ll be arriving by train, we usually organise ride/taxi shares (you will get a link if you are attending).
What about Covid?
- We will not be testing for covid19 this year
- Stay home if you are sick. We know it sucks to stay home, but we don’t want other people infected.
What do I need to prepare before accde?
- You do not need to prepare anything
- Feel free to bring games, instruments and other things to have fun with to ACCDE.
What language will the conference be in?
- The conference will be in English, and as we do our best to create a safe environment, it can be a good opportunity to try out and improve your language skills in any way.
What is the schedule or the program of the ACCDE?
As this is an Un-Conference there is no pre-scheduled plan.
We normally start Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 9 am. We open the OpenSpace by volunteers and everybody helps co-create the schedule for this very day. Usually a 10 am we start the session which you can visit as you want. Please apply the principles from the OpenSpace. At 1 pm will be lunch and at 6 pm there will be the closing of the days OpenSpace. Sunday we end at lunch.
Everything before and after the openspace can be used for music, sports, arts, anything and may be shared with other participants. Bring instruments, sports gear, games, etc.
What about payment & costs?
- This is a non-profit, low-cost, community-organized event, so you only pay for the cost of food, accommodation and materials.
- You will pay at the venue when you leave. You can pay in cash or with card.
- Price will be below 500 Euro and covers everything except drinks (coffee, water and tea are included)
- All those sponsors (look here: —->>>>Sponsors Mailingliste Page) make this unconference possible and affordable.
- As we will (as every year) have a great service and a very helpful staff, we will collect money/tip on Sunday, so bring a little cash 🙂
- When you signup, you agree to pay the costs if you got a place and cannot show-up (and the place cannot be filled via the waiting list). Of course, we do our best to fill an empty spot with someone from the waiting list.
Why do you have a lottery and how does it work?
- After a few years we started having more people, who wanted to attend than places at the coach camp; getting in became a matter of being at the computer at the right time, have the best connection and others stuff. So we decided to have a lottery to make it more fair.
- The way the lottery works
- People, who sign up within the first week of sign up, will be part of the first lottery.
- The list is sorted randomly and anyone who signs up after after the first week will be added to the end of the list.
- The top one on the list is placed in a room and get a mail. As long as there are places, this is repeated.
- Once all places are full, any remaining people will get on a waiting list and get a mail.
- Placing people in rooms will take a bit of puzzling, so be patient 🙂
Why do you ask about sharing rooms?
- We have a limited number of rooms, some are single rooms, and some are double. If people share rooms, then more people can attend the conference.
- There will be maximum two people in each room.
- We do our best to fulfill your wishes of who to share with.
- We want you to be comfortable, so we only put you in a shared room if YOU want to.
- If you choose to share with a stranger, we will per default put you in a room with a person of the same gender.
- We are sorry, but we don’t know who snores, who you know, who you used to work with, who stays up late or go to bed early, so a bit more detail would be nice.
Where do I go, when I arrive?
- When you get to the venue, please go to the reception (second building on the right) and check In. After that, meet us at the so-called „Forum“ (first building on the right)
When does ACCDE start?
- Pre-event (optional) starts at 2pm on the first day. The main event starts at 7:30pm at the Forum. There is dinner at 6pm (which is included in the price).
When does ACCDE end?
- We will finish with lunch on the last day (closing of Open Space before). Some will maybe hang out at the venue a bit longer :).
Are there morning activities?
- There is usually a group of people running in the morning, so bring your gear! Sometimes there’s also meditation or cross-fit like activities depending who offers what.
How do I get in touch with you?
- Feel free to contact the orga team with any questions and ideas. We are happy to hear from you by mail „orga @ agilecoachcamp.de“
What if I want to stay in touch afterwards?
- There will be the possibility to exchange data, pictures and everything else.
- At the sign-up you choose if you want to share your linked-in etc with the other participants.
- We will not share emails.
How much energy does the accde take?
- The unconference will be very exhausting… take care of yourself… take breaks, get some sleep, relax
Can I bring my partner and kids?
- Your partner is very welcome if they want to participate in accde. They must enter the lottery at the same terms as other participants.
- We do not have kids at accde
- We consider children kids until they are adults.
Can I bring my dog or other animals?
- You cannot bring your animal.
Have you considered that the coach camp is less inclusive if I can’t bring my child or animal?
- Yes, we have taken that into consideration. By including one group, we exclude another, so we have made a choice.
Can I charge my electric car at the venue?
- Yes. The venue has a charging station for electric cars.
Where can I find more info?
- If you want to join the mailinglist for all news and announcements go here: Pre-Info Mailinglist